

Workers who construct and remove sidewalk forms may be exposed to noise.

Risk Description:

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL).  A worker who is repeatedly exposed to noise at 85 decibels or above without hearing protection is at risk for serious hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing loss is 100 percent preventable but once acquired, hearing loss is permanent and irreversible.

Assessment Info:

To see if you may be in an environment that could cause hearing loss, ask yourself the following questions:
  • Is the noise at my workplace so loud that I have to raise my voice signficantly for someone an arm's length away to hear me?
  • When I leave work to a quieter environment, do my ears feel plugged?
  • Or do I hear a mild ringing or whooshing noise that goes away after an hour or two?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, your workplace is too noisy.

Select Solution:


Work practice

Administrative control

Personal Protective Equipment