Overhead Drill Press

An overhead drill press is a stationary machine used for drilling holes in various materials, typically featuring a fixed stand and a vertically moving drill bit. It allows the upper arms to be held below the shoulder for a more comfortable posture during overhead drilling.

Risks Addressed:

Overhead work can cause musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) such as shoulder muscle strains; tendonitis, which is inflammation of the tendons; or rotator cuff tears, which is a rupture of a shoulder tendon. The overhead drill press can help reduce overhead work by allowing the upper arms to be held below the shoulder and closer to the waist. 


How Risks are Reduced:

An overhead drill press reduces a worker’s chance of developing muscle and joint injuries. Workers benefit from not having to hold a heavy tool above their shoulders for long periods of time. The need for ladders is decreased or eliminated.


Doc's Industries Inc.
To obtain information, visit Overhead Drill Machine – Generation 2 or contact 1-800-544-8706 info@docsindustries.com