Job Hazard Analysis

Job hazard analysis (JHA), also known as job safety analysis and activity hazard analysis, is a process in construction project planning that aims to proactively identify the steps in a task, assess the risk level of each step, and assign appropriate action to control the risk.

Risks Addressed:

The risks addressed is dependent upon the identified potential hazards associated with the work being performed during JHA processes. These hazards include: (but are not limited to) falls, musculoskeletal injuries and illnesses, welding hazards, dust and chemical exposures as well as any form of struck-by injuries.

How Risks are Reduced:

Through thorough assessments, JHA processes can improve health and safety through preliminary hazard identification and assignment of corresponding hazard interventions. Interventions can include the recommendation of elimination or substitution practices, engineering and administrative controls, as well as personal protective equipment.


Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Guideline for employers, foremen, and supervisors as well as employees to analyze their own jobs and recognize workplace hazards. It explains what a job hazard analysis is and offers guidelines to conduct step-by-step analysis. Job Hazard Analysis OSHA 3071

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
To obtain information, visit Implementing a Job Hazard Analysis Program