Solution Summary: Drivable Masonry Saws with Wet Dust Suppression
Cutting concrete and other masonry materials generates a large amount of dust that may contain high levels of crystalline silica and create a hazard for everyone in the vicinity. Wet suppression is a control option for dust generated while cutting masonry materials with drivable masonry saws. These controls use a pump or line pressure to deliver water to the saw blade where it combines with particles and reduces airborne dust levels.
Husqvarna RS 8500 D rideable flat saw
- Used for joint repair, cleaning and widening, highway patch and repair and cutting green concrete
- Cost: $40,259 (with blade clutch and 26 inch blade and guard)
- Fuel: diesel
- Horsepower: 85
- Blade diameter: 14 to 26 inches
- Maximum cutting depth: 10 inches
- Blade speed: 2,940 rpm for 14 inch blades / 2,100 rpm for 26 inch blades
- Weight: 2,050 pounds
- Water supply: ¾-inch hose connection
- Sound pressure level: likely to exceed 90 dBA (OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Limit for an 8-hour time-weighted average)

(Photo courtesy of Husqvarana AB Construction Division)
Risks Addressed:
How Risks are Reduced:
The saw blades are partially enclosed in shrouds with water spray nozzles which are generally located near the top of the blade. When water is pumped through the nozzle, it combines with particles near the point of dust generation and, due to increased weight, the now larger particles settle to the ground. Silica and dust are only hazardous if inhaled and are not hazardous for skin contact. As long as the dust does not become airborne, the hazard is reduced.
In a review of NIOSH sampling data, Linch concluded “systems using water on the saw blade greatly reduce the amount of respirable dust generated.”
Effects on Productivity:
Wet dust suppression systems can have either positive or negative effects on productivity, but definitely improve the quality of the work by suppressing large amounts of airborne dust, which allows a cleaner, more efficient means of masonry cutting.
Additional Considerations:
The use of water controls may result in wet and slippery ground and walking surfaces. During cold weather this may lead to the formation of ice and an increased risk of slips, trips and falls. Cutting debris that is not removed from the work area while wet may become airborne once dried, posing an inhalation hazard to anyone in the area. Maintaining a work area free of debris and excess water reduces the risk of these hazards.
Husqvarna RS 8500 D rideable flat saw
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