Solar Panel Installation Robotic System for Solar Farms

Risks Addressed:

During solar farm projects, workers involved in the manual handling of heavy solar panels face significant ergonomic injury risks. Lifting and carrying these bulky and weighty photovoltaic modules can lead to musculoskeletal disorders and other related injuries. The repetitive nature of the task, coupled with the need to maintain awkward postures during installation, places excessive strain on the workers' backs, shoulders, and joints. Prolonged exposure to such physical demands increases the likelihood of sprains, strains, and chronic pain. 

Moreover, the uneven and sometimes unpredictable terrain at outdoor installation sites further exacerbates the risk of slips, trips, and falls on the same level adding to the potential for injuries.

Workers engaged in solar farm projects may face exposure to adverse weather conditions. In hot weather, high temperatures, high humidity, direct sun exposure, and lack of breeze or wind can increase the risk of heat-related illnesses, potentially leading to severe consequences, even death. Conversely, working in cold temperatures, particularly when accompanied by strong winds and damp clothing, presents significant hazards to workers' health, such as the risk of hypothermia and frostbite.

How Risks are Reduced:

By incorporating an ergonomic and precise robotic arm, these robots effectively handle heavy lifting and repetitive tasks, significantly reducing physical strain for human installers and minimizing the risk of ergonomic injuries during the solar panel installation process. The implementation of such advanced technology allows solar farm projects to create a safer work environment while enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.

These robots also contribute to a reduction in the need for workers to traverse unpredictable terrain, thereby minimizing the risk of slips, trips, and falls on the same level. This further enhances worker safety and ensures a smoother and more secure installation process.

Solar panel installation robots with autonomous features can efficiently work in various weather conditions, including extreme heat or cold, without risking the health and safety of human workers who might be affected by harsh environmental factors.

Additional Considerations:

As is the case with any construction equipment, users should follow manufacturer safety recommendations and comply with any applicable local, state or federal regulations.


Jean Christophe Le, MPH - CPWR The Center for Construction Research and Training

Hazards Addressed:


The AES Corporation
To obtain information, visit Atlas or contact 1-703-522-1315

Return on Investment

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