Implementing Photovoltaic (PV) Connectors with Exact Lengths

Using exact-length PV connectors in PtD reduces electrical hazards and ergonomic risks, prevents misconnections, and avoids solar panel damage.


Implementing PV connectors with exact lengths is a Prevention through Design (PtD) process that addresses worker exposure to potential electrical hazards and ergonomic risks during solar panel installation. A connector is a device used to join electrical circuits together, typically consisting of a plug and socket that ensures a secure and reliable electrical connection. Ensuring that connectors can only be plugged into the correct locations prevents misconnection errors as well as avoids damaging solar panels, which can lead to rework.

Implementing Custom Connector Specifications

To implement this solution, the contractor needs to coordinate with the manufacturer to specify the exact requirements for the connectors, including precise lengths and connection types (figure 1) needed for each specific job or solar installation project. During the planning phase, the contractor should provide detailed measurements to the manufacturer to ensure that all connectors are pre-cut to the correct lengths and designed to fit only the appropriate connections. 

This customization allows for a seamless installation process where each connector can be correctly connected without the need for adjustments or modifications on-site. By pre-ordering connectors tailored to the specific requirements of the project, contractors can ensure that the installation is both efficient and error-free, reducing the risk of misconnections and rework.

Figure 1. Solar PV connectors. (Photo courtesy of CPWR)

Risks Addressed:

Misconnections in solar installations pose a risk of electrical hazards, including arc flashes. An arc flash causes intense heat and potentially severe injuries, fires, and equipment damage. Misconnections create high-resistance points that can overheat and fail, leading to dangerous arc flashes, especially in high-voltage photovoltaic systems.

Rework and replacing damaged panels due to misconnections in solar installations present ergonomic risks. Workers repeatedly lifting and installing heavy photovoltaic panels can suffer from musculoskeletal disorders like back pain and shoulder strain. Frequent repositioning and rewiring of panels due to misconnections add to the physical strain, increasing the likelihood of injuries.

How Risks are Reduced:

Using connectors with exact lengths reduces the risk of misconnections and arc flashes. By ensuring connectors are pre-cut to the correct lengths and designed for specific connections, improper or mismatched connections are minimized. Additionally, pre-cut connectors eliminate the need to cut cables in the field, further reducing risks associated with field modifications.

Using connectors with exact lengths also reduces the need for rework and replacement of damaged panels. This precision minimizes misconnections, ensuring secure and correct installations from the start. Consequently, the physical strain on workers is decreased, lowering ergonomic risks.

Additional Considerations:

  • Conduct regular inspections of connectors and installation sites to identify and address potential hazards before they lead to incidents.
  • Ensure that all workers are adequately trained on the installation procedures and safety protocols for handling PV connectors.
  • Regularly maintain and inspect tools and equipment to ensure they are in good working condition and do not pose additional risks during installation.


Jean Christophe Le, MPH - CPWR The Center for Construction Research and Training


Implementing PV connectors with exact lengths is an administrative practice that requires coordination between the contractor and the manufacturer to order custom-made connectors that meet exact specifications for each job or solar installation project.

Return on Investment

To calculate the return on investment (ROI) for your specific application, please visit our Return on Investment Calculator. While a specific ROI example has not been developed for this particular solution, the ROI Calculator provides a useful tool and guidance on how to generate your own on investment analysis.